Downstairs Bathroom - Finished (Mostly)

The sink and shower hardware was finally installed last week, so except for the decorating and some minor tweaks here and there, we finally have a usable bathroom!

Since you can read all about the previous stages in earlier posts, I'll just give some 'before', 'in progress' and 'after' photos here. As we start decorating and fixing the small details, I'll provide separate future posts for those. Enjoy!


BEFORE: Okay except for some rotting drywall around the shower bottom
IN PROGRESS: Opening up the floor to get to the burst pipes
IN PROGRESS: Rebuilt floor and wall
AFTER: Tiled wall and floor, replaced shower stall with refurbished vanity sink


BEFORE: Mirror too low, sink plumbing and drawers were badly installed
IN PROGRESS: Opening up the floor to get to the burst pipes; finding electrical sloppiness
IN PROGRESS: Rebuilt floor; window frame still butchered
IN PROGRESS: Tiled floor and wall, fixed window frame (and tub to replace sink)

AFTER 2: with temporary towel rack


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